Monday 3 February 2014

Back on track... Almost.

Hi there!

Another long day is coming to an end, and I can go to bed with good conscience. As I wrote yesterday I've got plenty of things to do before I leave the country on Thursday. It didn't get better when my mother told me that she put all my washed clothes in the closet, but "probably not the way you want it". My clothes are not always nicely folded and may look messy, but let me tell you, it's organized! I have a special place for everything and earlier this week I cleaned up because I wanted the closet to look nice when I leave. (Or actually I want it to look nice when I get home and get to put new things in there)  So the first thing I had to do when I got home was to take everything out and start over. Not really what I had planned for today.

After dinner I was feeling very low and I realized I had to do all the things that I hadn't done because of the closet cleaning. I asked my sister to come upstairs with me because I thought her company would make me feel better. We put on some nostalgic music, and I once again realized the magic of music. All these songs from our youth got my mood up quite a bit, and before I knew it I had cleaned my room and the space between my and my brother's room, a.k.a. my hobby room. I didn't think I would have time to do that at all, but now it's all nice and tidy.

Now I just need to finish packing. And find some time to spend with one of my best friends since she is moving abroad while I'm gone. And I need to exchange money. And clean the bathroom. And change the bed sheets. And work extra hours. And a whole lot of other stuff. At least the major projects are done, so I feel like I'm back on track. WIN!

Now I'm gonna tell my bed how much I love it and hope it will give me a good nights sleep to show me that my love is answered
My cute sister posing in front of a Nugget Burger. Without her I don't think I would have gotten this much done tonight. 

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